Managing an SEO campaign is easier said than done. From keeping track of user analytics to drawing based on those analytics and consistent implementation and innovation, much goes into designing an SEO campaign that people think. But figuring that out takes time and effort. So, what are the basics of managing an SEO campaign? It all begins with:
Setting your goals and strategies: This is the very foundation of forming your SEO strategy. Without knowing where you want to go, it’s impossible to get there. That’s why setting goals and strategies are inextricably linked with each other in an SEO campaign. Once that has been done, then implementing them becomes more straightforward.
Monitoring keywords: Keywords play a vital role when managing an SEO campaign because they allow users to find your content once it’s published on different channels like Google search or social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. So monitoring which keywords give you traffic and which don’t is essential for maintaining successful campaigns over time. The easiest way to track this information is through tools like Google Analytics, but custom-built KPIs can also be used if needed so long as they’re accurate.
Conduct an SEO audit: An audit helps you identify where your SEO campaign is failing. It can help you pinpoint which keywords are working and giving organic traffic to your website or content, the ones that aren’t working, etc. This should be done at least once a year to keep up with Google’s algorithm changes because they’re bound to happen again like Penguin, Panda, and Hummingbird, for instance, all of which have been significant updates in their own right.
Creating content: Content is king in a successful SEO campaign, and that’s why it’s one of the most critical aspects of managing an SEO campaign successfully because it can be used across different platforms to spread awareness about your brand, products, or services. What you need to do here is create valuable information for people so they come back for more which will ultimately help with branding issues if done correctly. This also helps drive traffic from sources other than search engines like social media pages etc. Quality always wins over quantity when it comes to creating high-quality content for an SEO campaign. You don’t just have many shots at getting users’ attention either since there’s no guarantee that people will see what you post unless it’s shared by someone who sees value in it. So creating content that’s good and has value is the best way to get users’ attention.
Build backlinks: Link building is one of the most critical aspects when managing an SEO campaign because it helps drive organic traffic over time, increasing your brand awareness. There are several different methods for link building, like guest posting, infographics, and press releases. Still, you need to be careful about where you’re getting links from since Google has blacklisted many sites already, and if they find out that it’s not natural, then there’s going to be trouble coming your way.
Track your progress over time: There’s a saying that goes, “what gets measured gets managed,” and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to managing an SEO campaign. You have to keep track of how things are going over time so you can determine what works and what doesn’t. For your campaigns to yield results, tracking their progress is vital because, without it, all you’re doing is hoping, which isn’t good enough in the long run.
Keep abreast with industry news: There’s no way around staying up-to-date with current events related to your niche or sector, so updating yourself regularly on any breaking stories will help tremendously. They could potentially send a lot of traffic your way if done correctly. This also helps build links from sites related to your niche since it makes sense not to have unrelated links point towards you from off-topic websites.
Using analytics: Analytics is what management is all about when you think of it. Whether it’s managing your team or keeping an eye out for any new developments that can affect how well your SEO campaign is doing, looking at data from every aspect helps make decisions to maintain a successful campaign over time. Data doesn’t lie, so knowing exactly where things are going wrong gives managers more clarity into why they’re not working correctly compared to just blind guesswork, which leads nowhere fast.
Keep at it continuously: Most people think that managing an SEO campaign is all about taking a break every now and then to take care of other things, but it doesn’t work like this. Sure, you can’t spend hours on end working really hard at it, but giving up completely will not help either. So, the best thing to do here is to keep pushing forward, even if it’s just for 30 minutes or one hour per day. You’ll be surprised how much progress you can make over time since good things come to those who wait, which happens in most cases when dealing with management-related tasks, including SEO campaigns.
Staying organized in your SEO efforts helps create more opportunities because managers are expected to multitask between several different projects at once while still having enough resources available to complete everything successfully. Having a sound system in place for organizing your SEO campaign can be very beneficial because it helps you see what needs to get done next if there are any issues with access or resources.